Military schools in Russia: list, addresses, rating, reviews. Military schools for girls

At this point in time, everything related to the military forces and defense is quite prestigious. People in uniform can count on decent wages, benefits and allowances, on the provision of living space, and so on. A few years ago, only guys were accepted for military training. But since 2013, girls have also been recruited to such educational institutions. Which ones exactly?

What is a military school

For a given period of time, in the current system of education, it is possible to receive both a secondary specialized education and a much-needed higher education in our time. Including in the military direction. Schools (Suvorov) and cadet corps are the first. The second - institutes, academies, military command schools. All these institutions produce various specialists in their field: engineering, flight and naval troops, command staff. The choice of a particular school depends on the intended profession.

Advantages of military schools

In addition to promising specialized education, military schools for girls can do no less than for boys. Special disciplines, teaching methods, increased attention to bearing and organization will help young people and girls to feel in advance the features of their future profession, learn how to properly manage their time, develop willpower and the right attitude to duties. Not all life circumstances allow such an effect in the education of character. Military schools for girls are a rather harsh school of life.

What is taught in military schools

Any educational institution should provide its students with both specialized knowledge and skills, and the basic ones necessary for life in modern society. Military schools for girls are engaged not only in military training. Standard subjects are studied: Russian language and literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, social studies and even dance.

The emphasis is on the knowledge necessary in the future profession. Thus, military engineers will study the exact sciences in depth; command staff - psychology, social science and other humanitarian disciplines. Any military man must be fluent in the legal basis of his work.

Of course, military schools for girls involve very serious physical training. This moment is important for the future service.

Military schools for girls (on the basis of 9 classes)

To begin with, we will analyze the list of secondary specialized education schools. Military schools after grade 9 for girls:

  • Yekaterinburg Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School in Moscow;
  • Suvorov School in Minsk;
  • Ulyanovsk School (SVU);
  • Suvorov School in Tver;
  • Suvorov School of the North Caucasus;
  • Kazan Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School of St. Petersburg;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Military Music School in Moscow;
  • Cadet Corps (Railway Troops);
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps.

However, getting into military schools for girls after the 9th grade is quite difficult. Some SVUs, as well as cadet corps, recruit students on a geographical basis. In others, there is still an opinion that there is no place for a lady in military affairs, and therefore young men are more likely to be chosen for competitive places. But still, a good half of the list is quite loyal to female students.

Military schools for girls (on the basis of 11 classes)

Military schools for girls after grade 11 provide an opportunity to receive higher professional education in this area. The rating list of these educational institutions is headed by Military Academy of Communications named after S. M. Budyonny. The academy is located in the city of St. Petersburg. Postal and actual address: 194064, St. Petersburg, Tikhoretsky Avenue, 3. There is also a branch in the city of Krasnodar, address: 350035, Krasnodar, Krasina Street, 4. Training is conducted in the following areas:

  • Faculty "Information Communication Technologies and Special Communication Systems";
  • Faculty "Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes".

The form in which students study at the academy is full-time on a budgetary basis. The duration of study is 5 years. After graduation, students receive a diploma, indicating higher professional education of the state standard. Graduates are awarded the rank of lieutenant, as well as the qualification "engineer".

The next educational institution in the ranking is - Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky. The educational institution provides training in more than forty military specialties. The qualification fully complies with the requirements for the training of officers. Among the girls there is a fairly high competition for a place - seven people. Last year, only 30 girls were enrolled. However, the educational institution is considered one of the best in the country, and therefore it is really worth trying to enter.

On the third place Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov in St. Petersburg. In this educational institution, girls who see their future as a military doctor will find a place for themselves. For admission, it is necessary to pass the exam in chemistry (profile), the Russian language and biology, and the DWI in physical training (for girls: torso, 100 m run and 1 km cross).

Fourth in the ranking is Airborne Command School in Ryazan, named after Army General V.F. Margelov. This military school for girls implies the specialization "the use of communications units of the airborne troops."

Military Academy Strategic Rocket Forces named after Peter the Great ranked fifth. The Academy opened its doors to girls in 2015. Since then, she has a fairly wide list of specialties for the weaker sex. Candidates for admission to military educational institutions take an exam in physical fitness in three exercises: - exercise for strength - pulling up on the crossbar; - speed exercise - 100 m run; - endurance exercise - 3 km run.

Military specialties for girls

Not all areas of military schools involve the training of girls. But still, there are more than enough specialties to choose from. Among them are military cartography and meteorology for special purposes, taught in the universities of the East Kazakhstan region, general medicine, medical and preventive work, pharmacy and dentistry (this can be learned at the Military Medical Academy). Various communication technologies, radio engineering, information security are studied at the Academy of Communications. Aircraft structures, control of ballistic missile systems, radio-electronic systems, ground-based space infrastructure, collection and processing of information, information support for analytical and computer technology, topographic and geodetic support and cartography, means of missile and space defense, automated command and control systems - such a wide range of faculties offers entrants of the Military Space Academy.

How to get into military school

As in other higher educational institutions, military schools require results based on the results of the Unified State Exam. They vary depending on the chosen specialty. For the engineering specialty, the results of exams in mathematics, Russian language and profile in physics are required. For cartographic areas - geography, mathematics and Russian. For the medical profile, specialized chemistry and biology and a general Russian language are required. Managerial professions need results in the Russian language, mathematics, and, moreover, in social science. For admission, you must submit documents to the selected educational institution from July 1 to July 30. During this period, a professional selection and compilation of a competitive list of applicants is carried out. Of the documents, a certificate of secondary general full education, primary vocational, if there is a mark on passing a complete secondary, secondary vocational education is required. The next required document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Only persons with Russian citizenship are allowed to study at such an institution. And of course, it is necessary to submit the final scores of the exam.

Professional selection

Military schools pay great attention to physical training. Without a positive test for strength endurance, it is almost impossible to enter. How to enter a girl in a military school? The only way is to get the highest results in the exam, and not only pass the standards, but it is even desirable to surpass them. The competition in the military academies is quite high, which means that the girls should try to keep up with the boys in terms of their results.

Design nuances

Applicants are required to undergo a medical examination for health and fitness for training. Next, they will be tested for a psycho-emotional state. In addition, all candidates are given access to information that constitutes a state secret. If the applicant has not reached the age of majority, the consent of the parents to study at this educational institution in writing must be submitted.

Volsk school

The Volsk military school for girls conducts professional selection and entrance examinations from July 1 to July 20. First you need to apply to the military commissariat. The application is submitted in a special form at the place of residence. This action runs until April 20th. Applicants must attach an autobiography, a description, 6 photographs to the application, and also pass a medical examination. Candidates are assigned aptitude groups. Enrollment is carried out with groups of 1 and 2 degrees. From among the candidates of the third degree, they are enrolled only in case of a shortage of students.

Suvorov School

The Suvorov Military School for girls establishes the same admission rules as the cadet corps. Student places are primarily distributed among orphans or from single-parent and large families, as well as from low-income families. Applicants must meet the standards for health reasons, as well as for psychological factors. The remaining places are distributed among the rest of those who wish, based on performance indicators.

The younger generation, like fledgling chicks, is ready to leave their native land. But for an independent life, getting a job with a salary sufficient for a normal life, you need education - technical, humanitarian, medical, and so on. Among the areas of modern education, a special place is occupied by military colleges and technical schools after grade 9.

Honorable duty to serve the Motherland

It is well known that in our country, getting a military profession is always a very commendable and respectful decision. Our time is no exception. From all sides there are either enemies, or seemingly friends, but so striving to take away part of the natural or human wealth. And also global terrorism, which today nests in almost every country. The unsettled state of the world increases the likely need for military power.

No matter how sad it may sound, but the military educational institutions of our country do not lose their fame and regularly attract an increasing number of applicants. To graduate from such a military institution is to guarantee yourself a job immediately with a decent salary, which is almost impossible to get in other areas of education. A military college after grade 9 is a good option for a future path.

The structure of military education

Military education in our country has a complex structure and is subdivided (in a simplified sense) according to the types of troops, according to the age of students and according to the level of training.

Regarding age (military education is the only place where the state officially allows en masse to study almost from infancy), here, depending on the number of years (up to 9 classes and immediately after graduation), there are Suvorov schools and Cadet corps. They differ significantly, although they are in the same area of ​​​​military education. But in general, this is the same military college after the 9th grade.

First of all, you need to decide what are the pros and cons of military education, since it is so popular, unlike many other areas of study.

Benefits of getting a military education

Military education gives a courageous, difficult profession. Graduating from a military college after the 9th grade guarantees the difficulties of service. And now the Russian state is trying to at least partially compensate for this burden. That is why it guarantees the future military:

  1. Financial stability throughout life (starting from education). Throughout all stages, a financial allowance is laid: scholarship - salary - pension. And all the time the payments are higher than the average salary of ordinary civilian Russians.
  2. Future military will not suffer from malnutrition. Already during the training, the state takes the future military for full support,
  3. Strict daily routine.
  4. Budgetary (i.e. free) education and advanced training.
  5. Tough discipline that everyone does not like during training and is good for the rest of their lives.

Simply put, teenagers only need to break through a tough reception regime, and there already live like in Christ's bosom. But this is only at first glance.

The negative side of military life

Military life, including the time of training, is a difficult time in which no one guarantees salvation from illness, injury and, as an extreme case, death. What are the other negative aspects of choosing a military specialty:

  1. Great stress, both physical and mental.
  2. Constant danger (both in hot spots and simply in the course of handling weapons).
  3. Permanent military business trips for a long time.
  4. Responsibility for people. Moreover, the higher the rank, the more subordinates. And it is quite possible that the day will come when the officer will have to send them to their deaths.

Suvorov Schools

Suvorov military schools (modern military college after the 9th grade) were formed during the war in 1943 for the upbringing and education of the sons of fallen front-line soldiers. During the second half of the twentieth century, their network was repeatedly reformed, but has survived until our time.

At present, the Suvorov Military Schools (SVU) are an original project - their graduates have a special education. The situation of the Suvorov schools has improved significantly. If in the early years of the twenty-first century the number of IEDs decreased by about half compared to the Soviet era, then their increase is currently planned. And young people are actively going to the Suvorov military schools. The method of admission is set in such a way that the applicant studies close to home.

The curriculum of the SVU is implemented in accordance with the level of disciplines of the secondary school, which provides graduates with the opportunity to be enrolled in a university.

In addition to land schools, there is also a naval one. The Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg (with several branches) is currently the only one in Russia. The educational institution trains specialists with a secondary education and does not fundamentally differ from the Suvorov School, of course, with the exception of maritime specifics.

Cadet corps

The cadet corps is a secondary educational institution, which also teaches a block of military disciplines, suggesting that students prefer a certain type of troops.

Currently, a cadet is mainly a high school student. The average study time is 3 years. But there are educational institutions where the term of study is much longer and can be 6 years. Most children are enrolled after the 9th grade. However, there are institutions that accept children under the age of 5th grade.

Cadet corps in our days provide not only excellent education, but also benefits for admission to other military institutions.

General and Miscellaneous

There are common features and differences between the Suvorov (Nakhimov) schools and the cadet corps. The general should include the fact that at present in Russia the cadet corps, the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools are considered secondary military education, where applicants of different ages are admitted. Unlike them, there are institutions, after which a diploma of higher professional education is issued (military command school, academies, institutes).

But there are other differences as well. Suvorov schools are located in the sphere of influence of the Ministry of Defense, and the cadet corps - the Ministry of Education, so the latter have only a military component, but not military education. Pupils of the Suvorov schools receive a privilege when enrolling in any military schools, while pupils of the cadet corps enter on a general basis, only between some universities and schools there are agreements on benefits. In practice, if there is a desire to be a military man, then it is better to apply to the Suvorov School, and when you only need to raise discipline and raise the level of education, go to the cadet corps.

girls in schools

Since ancient times, the professional military sphere, with rare exceptions, was considered exclusively the occupation of men. Until the twenty-first century, only males studied in the network of military educational institutions in Russia. But the general trend of expanding the influence of women affected here as well. There were military colleges after grade 9 for girls or separate classes.

Usually these are specialized institutions for girls with full support and with the passage of a secondary education program and military disciplines. The pupils develop patriotism, love for the motherland. In big cities they participate in patriotic holidays. In a number of institutions, attention to dancing, drawing, and singing is removed.

In military colleges, in addition to the usual specialties such as nurses and radio operators, some girls are waiting for the future of a military officer.

Admission to the school

Going after graduating from grade 9 to a military school would be a good choice, because this is how young men are prepared for entering a university and temper their character. Enrollment in schools occurs on a competitive basis. Young men under twenty-two years of age who have not completed military service are enrolled. But the competition has exceptions, and mutual. Cannot be accepted:

  • persons who have been convicted or are currently under investigation;
  • do not have the required level of education, which is confirmed by exams in school subjects;
  • not having an appropriate level of health, which is confirmed by a medical commission.

Out of competition, applicants whose parents died, children of military personnel who serve in the conflict zone, as well as children of military personnel who died in the performance of official functions, can be accepted.

In addition to the application and the certificate of education, three photographs, an autobiography, a reference from the previous place of study or work, a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the passport, a certificate from the school on academic performance and medical documents are needed.

Moscow military schools

When entering a military school after completing the 9th grade, it is necessary to take into account which area of ​​military art the applicant chooses. Now there is a good choice. In the capital, for example, there are several military schools. Among the military colleges after the 9th grade in Moscow, the Moscow Military Music School can be distinguished. Age of applicants - not older than 16 years. In addition to the general requirements, the applicant must have proper musical training and be able to play one of the wind or percussion instruments. A young man applying for admission to this school must have good physical fitness, as well as know a foreign language.

Among the Moscow military colleges after the 9th grade, the Moscow Suvorov School shows a good level. It is subordinated to the ground forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and recruits only boys. Pupils of the institution receive a very high level of education, participate in military parades on the occasion of solemn dates in the country.

Military schools in St. Petersburg

There are also a number of schools in St. Petersburg. Military colleges after grade 9 in St. Petersburg can be represented by the Cadet Corps of the Railway Troops. It stands out for its excellent performance and rich history. Enrollment is by competition. Requirements are standard. As in other schools, during the competition, applicants get the opportunity to move into a hostel and eat for free.

The Military Space Cadet Corps enrolls young men who have completed the 9th grade of a general education school. Among the requirements for admission is the knowledge of English. All other requirements are typical. In addition to the usual sports tests, applicants need to pass tests in the Russian language and mathematics.

The Military Medical College after the 9th grade of the Military Medical Academy is one of the few military schools of this kind. The college prepares good mid-level specialists. Entrance tests and requirements for applicants are typical.

Military schools in other cities

In other cities of Russia, there are also enough good schools. For example, a military college in Novosibirsk after the 9th grade is the Siberian Cadet Corps. This is the first officially registered cadet corps in Russia, which is based on both the old Russian traditions of education and modern pedagogical methods.

Another form of education - colleges with a military department after the 9th grade - have appeared in our time throughout the country. They exist both in the European part of Russia, and in Siberia and the Far East.

Maritime schools

Among the naval colleges after the 9th grade, the Nakhimov School stands out. Applicants are required to successfully complete schooling, be in good health and learn English. The list of introductory documents is typical.

Candidates who pass the entrance exams are required to arrive at the school on a special call. Upon arrival, all applicants pass physical tests and undergo a medical examination. Exams are held within the framework of the passed school disciplines. Those who do not qualify can return home.

After training under a three-year program, graduates are provided with work.

Each graduate must determine his own destiny, and no one else should influence his idea. This is a very important decision, and it must be clearly and correctly considered. It is necessary to weigh all the "pros" and "cons" and even then make your final choice in favor of one or another military or other institution. Small details and previously presented information are especially important, especially when you decide to become an officer or soldier.

Military higher educational institutions of Russia

There are many positive aspects to being an officer. What is the chic and beautiful uniform of employees worth. It is also a good way to become an adult and self-sufficient person, for example, who went on a solo voyage and decided to become an important and strong person. And how much adventure, excitement and romance are there in your work? That is precisely why a lot of young people tend to go to study at Suvorov and higher military schools. But, in addition to such colorful descriptions, there is also a dark side, which entails dangers and serious life changes.

The choice is yours

The list of military schools in Russia is quite large, and it is difficult to choose one of them. What would you prefer? The status of the position is high when you work in the Airborne Forces, special forces or marines. Adventures in the water or air strongly attract gambling and confident guys and girls. A good one will help raise your position and get on your own feet, especially since higher education in our country is free and "painless".

Good education, discipline, tolerance and collegiality are brought up already from the first theoretical lessons. The most basic criterion for all studies is knowledge. Each student, and especially a cadet, must study well and acquire knowledge of various disciplines.

Key Benefits of Military Education

In addition to all the above advantages, there are other positive aspects in such education:

  • A fairly high scholarship (the amount is approximately 16 thousand rubles). Not bad money, considering the fact that you are taught, fed and given an overnight stay;
  • High-calorie meals with a complete diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a towel for each cadet for free;
  • In the future, a decent salary at the place of direction.

Today there is a fairly large list of military schools in Russia. Among the available offers, you can find the option that will suit the young man perfectly in all respects.

Schools to watch out for

There are many military schools on the territory of Russia. They are located in big cities. The most prestigious and popular are:

  1. Kazan Suvorov Cadet School (Kazan).
  2. Nizhny Novgorod School of Military Engineering Command.
  3. Novosibirsk Higher Military Cadet School.
  4. Naval School named after M. V. Frunze
  5. Engineering School of Military Communications named after G.K. Orzhonikidze (Ulyanovsk)
  6. Rocket School named after the Hero Major General Lizyukov (Saratov).
  7. Chemical Protection School named after Podvoisky (Tambov).

This is an incomplete list of all institutions where you can acquire certain military knowledge. After graduating from military schools in Russia, the list of strengths in a person increases markedly. In addition, there is much more experience and practice. Any situation is not a hindrance if you have the knowledge gained in a military school in your luggage. That's the whole list of military schools in Russia, which you need to immediately pay attention to.

Some nuances for admission

To enter the military service, you must have a great desire to learn and achieve the desired result. First, the necessary documents are collected according to a specific list. You need to write down the dates for passing the exams, reach and only then wait for the result of admission.

Also, if you need to decide on the scope of military service. Your fate will directly depend on this. Air forces, marines, communications, special forces - and this is not a complete list of military schools in Russia with various areas of specialization and training. According to their physical and moral preparation, each incoming cadet decides where it is best to go in order to become a person with a capital letter in the future. It is these people that the Russian Federation is proud of, and they are directly involved in the political life of the country. Do not be afraid to give back to the motherland, and it will reward you.

Where to go?

If there is a desire and an opportunity to reach the very pinnacle of military training, you can go to military higher educational institutions in Russia. In such universities you will have the best preparation, practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The very process of education will become unforgettable, as it is filled with adventures and various pleasant situations. Girls will be delighted with a young cadet in a beautiful and spectacular uniform. You can get such privileges and a huge store of knowledge in special universities, academies, higher military schools and institutes.

Prestigious universities

The most popular and demanded higher educational institutions are:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk).
  • St. Petersburg Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • institute).
  • branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva (St. Petersburg).

Each educational institution has several departments with specialties. Depending on the class of study and opportunities, their number can vary from 1 to 10. But absolutely in each one you can get the highest level of knowledge and experience that will become indispensable in future work. Working for such state institutions as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, you need not only to have a lot of knowledge, but also to have a desire to learn new things. Because laws are constantly changing, they need to be closely monitored and studied. Many aspects of the work require strong nerves and steely patience. So you need to take into account these details in the future, and even better when you enter. Higher military schools - they all produce excellent employees.

The best schools

Our country has a wide range of institutions. Below is a list of military schools in Russia:

  • Moscow Air Force School.
  • St. Petersburg military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Moscow military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Novosibirsk Command School.

Military schools in Russia: list

It also has several higher educational institutions for the education and training of the military. To be precise, their number is thirteen. The military schools of the FSB of Russia, the list of which is given below, are considered among the best:

  • Academy of the FSB of Russia.
  • Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg).
  • Institute of Federal Security (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Institute of Information Technologies.
  • Moscow Academy.
  • FSB Institute (Novgorod).
  • FSB Institute (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Border Institute (PI).
  • Golitsynsky PI.
  • Kaliningrad PI.
  • Khabarovsk PI.

The higher military schools of Russia, the list of which is provided above, specialize in a high level of teaching and try to produce as many worthy candidates as possible.

Flight training

There is a good opportunity to undergo flight military training, a full course at a hospital. There are certain military flight schools in Russia, a list of which can be found in the military press or directly in the universities themselves. In such institutions, you can get the rank of lieutenant of the Russian military aviation, and if you wish, go further in your career and reach higher ranks. Military flight schools of Russia, list:

  1. Borisoglebsk faculty of assault and front-line bomber aviation.
  2. Chelyabinsk branch of the Moscow Academy.

Suvorovtsy - a great start to a career

The most competent and achieving goals are the graduates of the Suvorov military schools. Here is the most thorough education, which makes it possible to achieve the position of general. A tolerant military with a cultural upbringing will carefully do all their work in the future. Suvorov military schools in Russia, the list is quite large, but a few should be noted:

  1. Moscow school.
  2. St. Petersburg School.
  3. Tver School.

In a military school after 11 classes

There is an opportunity to enter the military schools of Russia after the 11th grade:

  • Academy of Artillery Troops (St. Petersburg)
  • Moscow Military Institute (combined arms).
  • Command Engineering Military School (Tyumen).
  • Krasnodar military school.

In fact, there are a lot of such state institutions. Their list is more than one page.

Wherever you go to study and gain knowledge in the military sphere - the list of military schools in Russia will help you make the right choice. This profession is very much in demand in the country in the future for the defense and protection of its possessions. It's no secret that military people are capable of doing the impossible. Especially since there is room to expand. Inaccessible water spaces, a wide air atmosphere, a variety of ground units and much more need constant replenishment of personnel and valuable workers. Higher educational schools, institutes with different profiles, as well as academies will help to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every accomplished military figure will be proud of his diploma and knowledge gained in such institutions. The career ladder will not stand still. Thanks to all the skills and theory, any task will not bring labor.

Many young people go to work in various institutions, guided by thoughts of public service and decent earnings. But it is also worth noting that not all applicants have a desire to repay their homeland. Do not forget that any misconduct on the part of employees is punished much more severely than civilians. Therefore, you should control yourself and not succumb to impulses and nervous breakdowns. Many military men are subject to constant tension and quickly lose confidence in themselves. The stability of the nervous system and knowledge of the legal framework is an integral part of any employee.

In our turbulent times, parents are afraid to send their children to serve or study at military academies. They choose other more calm professions, for example, a mechanic or an accountant. But is it worth it to be so afraid for your children, perhaps their vocation in life is to serve their homeland and give themselves completely to it. Always consider the desire of your household, because they are part of your family. Do not be afraid to give your child to the service, because it is on it that he will acquire those qualities that should be inherent in all men.

The military, police and other public service workers are always under pressure and sometimes fail to properly assess the situation. It is in such cases that a carefully studied charter helps, therefore, when you enter an academy or institute, do not be lazy and learn all the information provided. She will help you in a difficult situation, and you can excel in the course with your knowledge.

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